It took a long time for women in the UK to finally get the vote on an equal footing with men (in 1928), and it was almost a century again before they got their first statue in Parliament Square in April 2018. It was Millicent Fawcett, founder of the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (NUWSS), who was given this deserved honour. Fawcett led the NUWSS from its foundation in 1897, and while the Pankhursts and others later split from the NUWSS out of frustration with its low-key tactics, she wouldn’t let such differences in opinion divide her from her fellow sisters. She was a suffragist herself, but upon the death of the suffragette Emily Davison, she delivered these words in her honour: ‘Courage calls to courage everywhere.’ With these words, she continues to remind us to stand together and be inspired by one another’s bravery in the face of injustice.
Designed and made in the UK from organic cotton. 48 cm x 70cm